Yoga and Sleep An area that a regular yoga practice can help alleviate depression with is sleep. It is important to go to bed early and rise early as most depression deepens in the late night. Whether you practice yoga in the morning or in the evening, your sleep can improve. A common […]
Depression is a subject often avoided. Our culture prefers to pretend it does not exist or to avoid conversations around mental struggles, and we are seldom comfortable admitting our own challenges. The truth is that the majority of people will have temporary depression at one time in their lives, and one in four people will […]
*Quiet mind – starting with a quiet mind through your Yoga practice to cultivate calm *Relaxed Body – after quieting the mind the body can start to relax, beginning the practice from this de-stressed place *Intent – Direct the mind to the practice with concentration and focus, complete presence *Rooting – Connect deeply to the […]