I have loved practicing Yoga from a young age and cultivated a curiosity for the practice early on. One thing I am passionate about with Yoga is sharing the practice in diverse ways! Over time, the constant about Yoga has been that to work diversely is to connect with the distinct parts that make up the whole. I love teaching Yoga… plain and simple, and I delight in what I learn in the process. Baba Hari Das reminded us to”Teach to Learn”, and this is the essence and ground for me.
Some of the distinct ways I am drawn to teach include playing with Gross and or Subtle body connections, defining the 7 Principles of Yoga (See 7 Principles of Vijnana Yoga on this site) into the Practice, Practicing Classical Vijnana Yoga, and teaching from the Somatic Yoga principles.
One thing I always nourish in my practice and teaching, is to work from a place of Grace. An aspect of this is about concentration, and intention, and also about working from a place of least effort. Understanding the expansion comes from rooting, and this is part of the practice form the “Inside Out”. OM
Lyndsay Savage